How do you get you film into cinemas, online & on TV i.e. how do you get distribution for your movie. In the USA, and UK there are 600-700 films released in cinemas on average per year - that's over 10 a week. There is a lot of competition for screening slots - and that doesn't include how many films are released online too. There are many efficient routes to get distribution for your movie: the traditional route via distribution companies; or, through self distribution - pitching ...
Getting your Movie into a Film Festival
Acquisitions executives attend film festivals hoping to find a diamond in the rough - the new voice and vision for the future. Getting your movie into a film festival increases your chances of being seen by the industry. Sales Agents and Submitting a Movie to a Film Festival As mentioned in a previous blog "What does A Sales Agent do in Film", one of their roles is getting your movie into a film festival. Sales companies attend the many markets and festivals around the world. Just ...
Awards Season 2018
Awards Season 2018 It's that time of year - turkey, cranberry jelly, a jolly round guy with a red & white suit .... Yes, it's movie awards season! Move over Christmas cake, i've got some movie viewing to do. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed ploughing through the Awards Season 2018 screeners and here are some of my personal highlights from this year's contenders: GREEN BOOK dir. Peter Farrelly cast: Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali writ. Nick Vallelonga; Peter Farrelly; ...
Location Shooting: What to Consider
What do Filmmakers want from Location Shooting Film is a visual experience & filmmakers look for ‘cinematic’ imagery – is there a location that has never been seen? Or iconic locations audiences love to see. The desire for something different – does the location have futuristic cities; undiscovered countryside; unique urban environments. Film sets are easy to use – everything can be built and the camera has easy access. However, it is expensive to build ...
Best Indie Film Genre for Sales
"We love the script but we don't know who it's for or how to get it out there ... let's wait until we can see something...". How can you see it if nobody takes a risk to finance? Companies say they want original stories - but give them something out of the ordinary and they don't know how to make comparisons - which makes running sales numbers for finance impossible; they're not sure of the audience or the marketing plan. What is the best indie film genre from a sales / ...
Submitting a Movie Pitch Package
You've sent out an email or been to a networking event and people responded positively to your movie pitch, asking you to "send me the pitch package" - what do you do now? Who responded - Does your movie fit their slate? Do some research on the company - and on the individual to whom you send your package. Due diligence - it's OK to ask around to see if they're good people to work with. The pitch package should include: LOGLINE / SUMMARY / SYNOPSIS Logline - a ...